

The Sound of Life

I had all these great ideas for what I wanted write this week, and then I got sidetracked by music.  Marilyn Monroe singing Happy Birthday. EPMD. Zap Mama. Antibalas. Music is universal.  Even if genre isn’t. My heart beats with rhythm.  Take a moment and listen to your inner beat.  I’ll wait.  Let me mark […]


Fifteen Characteristics of Great Leadership

Written by: Michael Aun Leadership goes beyond just “management”. A look at some of the common characteristics that seem to underlie the common successes of great leaders. Several years ago, while traveling in Europe with my wife, we found ourselves right in the middle of the conflict between the United States and Libya. We had […]


A Modern, Non-Religious Interpretation of God

CAVEAT: I can speak only for myself. This is my opinion, and not the truth. YMMV God is a charged word, and it means something different for all of us.  For me, God is infinity.  A concept that people attempt to grasp, describing something unknowable, and unnameable:  Everything and nothing.   People seek to define […]



This Poem was written by Dr. Kent M. Keith, and hung on Mother Theresa’s wall. I hope it inspires you. 🙂 People are illogical, unreasonable and self-centered. – love them anyway! – If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. – Do good anyway! – If you are successful, you will […]