

Still Sittin

Purplish plush wood weaving wedges Lovely ducks nesting kittens a primary colored algorhythm curves and cutaways and stones And i’m still sitting warm yellow lazers of neutrons pouring through glass and mirrors reflecting peace literate consideration shaded perspiration elephant hats not how I imagined


To All the Girls I've Loved Before...

Maybe it’s the Spring in the air, or it could be all the people complaining about their relationships or smiling into each others’ mouths. I find my mind wandering towards all the girls I’ve loved and how I loved them. The puppy love with its giggles and bounciness. The unrequited love and the way I […]


Holiday Happiness

The grey and almost freezing pre-December day in Atlanta reminds me that I need Egg Nog.  I have spent over half of my life as a wanderer, and even when I set down a few roots, I would pull and tug at them endlessly.  I never knew where I was going, sailing the high seas […]


The Mic Mell New Year

34 years ago today two major things happened: 1. James Earl Carter was elected President of the United States of America 2. At 11:57am, after a few hours of labor and heavy drugs, I escaped from the embryonic sac in which I lived for 9 months. Sure, lots of other things probably happened that day.  […]


Fifteen Characteristics of Great Leadership

Written by: Michael Aun Leadership goes beyond just “management”. A look at some of the common characteristics that seem to underlie the common successes of great leaders. Several years ago, while traveling in Europe with my wife, we found ourselves right in the middle of the conflict between the United States and Libya. We had […]


Awesome Nerdy Music Joke

Spotted on: reddit C, E-flat and G go into a bar. The bartender says, “sorry, but we don’t serve minors.” So E-flat leaves, and C and G have an open fifth between them. After a few drinks, the fifth is diminished and G is out flat. F comes in and tries to augment the situation, […]